More About Me


Hi y’all, I’m Jose Campos. I was born and raised in San Antonio, so try-as-I-may, “y’all” isn’t leaving my vocabulary. Living here for almost thirty years has allowed me to learn about neighborhoods all over the city. I love everything San Antonio has to offer: the culture, the history, the people.

Whether you are new to the city, or a lifer like me, I’m sure I could help you find a place to call home. I have an exceptional work ethic, which I learned from my father who immigrated to this country with very little and has made a lot for himself. I remember being eight years old and dragging my feet while doing some odd chore when he told me in his native Spanish “El flojo trabaja doble”; which roughly translates to “lazy people are forced to work twice as hard.” It didn’t make sense to eight-year-old me at the time; how could a lazy person work harder, they’re just lazy. But my father explained what he meant and it has always stuck with me. He taught me to always do my very best and from then on, it’s what I continue to strive for every day.

Even at my first job at a pizza chain, I would do everything I could to go above and beyond with even the smallest task. My fellow teenage-coworkers would ask puzzled, “why are you working so hard, at the end of the day we are both making the same $6.55/hour” (minimum wage at the time). To me we weren’t just making pizza, we were providing a service to someone and I wanted to give that person the best service I could. I quickly worked my way to a manager role and later transitioned to a career in the health field, where I continued to do my best to help people. Since then I have held different positions at multiple healthcare companies, but I always focused on customer service positions, because I truly enjoy being directly involved in helping others.

Fast-forward a few years to when I wanted to purchase my first home; another trait of mine is that the unknown gives me anxiety, so I need to be very sure of any decision I make. I started researching the ins and outs of buying a home. I learned so much and decided to get my real estate license so I could share my knowledge with others. My goal in real estate is to help you make informed real estate decisions and to help find you your perfect home.